What Happens During Revision Of Knee Replacement?

The need for a revision of knee replacement could arise after 15-20 years that is after the normal life of the prosthesis. But sometimes it is needed earlier due to dislocation of the knee joint due to an accident, wear and tear, and a fracture.
For example, if you have already replaced your knee either partial or total sometimes back like 10 years, it is highly likely that you could need to go for revision surgery. It is so because 15-20 years is the normal time for a prosthesis. But there is little to worry about as a revision surgery can replace the knee with a new prosthesis and give you a new lease of life for the next 15 years.
Sometimes people need a revision surgery earlier and it happens when the first surgery doesn’t work. In this situation, you could require surgery soon after the first operation. If you feel pain and discomfort in the knee, you should talk to your knee replacement surgeon to check whether the first operation has been successful. If the surgeon finds a problem in the knee, the medical professional will suggest a revision of the surgery.
Look for these symptoms post knee replacement
If you have recently undergone a knee replacement, you should keep track of your recovery. It will be slow but steady. With time, you will feel comfortable with the replaced knee. But you shouldn’t ignore the symptoms that indicate a problem in the replaced knee.
- Problem in standing for a long time
- Pain in walking and using the stairs
- Fever from the pain and suffering in the knee
- Persistent swelling on the knee
- Difficulty in moving or stretching the knee
While mild pain in the knee joint is expected, severe pain requires a proper examination by a knee replacement surgeon. If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately go to your surgeon for examination.
How is a revision surgery performed?
Today surgeons follow a minimally invasive procedure to conduct revision surgeries. Depending on the condition of your knee, you could be suggested a partial or total knee replacement. Let a surgeon examine your knee and consider your age and overall medical condition to make an opinion. Revision of knee replacement is done using a minimally invasive technique that promises quick recovery and excellent results. The natural damage to the knee is replaced with an artificial joint so the patient gets back his/her mobility.