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Hip replacement Surgery has become very common nowadays and is considered one of the most successful medical technologies. Several people have their hips replaced every year, in order to live a pain free life ahead.

But after the hip replacement surgery you cannot go on with your life just the same after your hip is replaced. Though you will be relieved from your pain but still you will need to avoid several activities as your new hip will not completely function in the same way as your old hip did. Hip replacement surgery is considered a big surgery, so you need to avoid several activities in order to live a heathy and long life.

There are several things you should avoid after hip replacement surgery:

  • Avoid getting your thigh too close to your chest. Always remember that the angle between your chest and thigh must not be less than 90 degrees. If your new hip bends too much, the neck of the thigh component can intrude against the plastic socket component, forcing the hip out of the socket. This can cause dislocation of new hip and the patient can suffer from lot of problems after that.
  • Watch putting your feet up. Many a times you will feel you want to put your feet up in order to get some rest. This position is not harmful as long as you don’t lean forward for something. Whenever you want to lean forward, always take your feet down first.
  • Avoid spinning with your weight on the new joint. If you are continuously putting weight on your new joint or swinging your bodyweight around, it can puts huge forces on the hip. Move your legs to get into a new position, primary with the replaced one.
  • Avoid extreme activities. After a surgery you must want to do all those activities you were not able to perform before, but there is a price to be paid for having an artificial joint, if you want it to last. So avoid sports and activities such as jumping, lifting heavy weights, football, rugby, basketball, soccer, squash, downhill skiing and anything else that requires extreme joint stresses. By avoiding doing these activities you can take proper care of your joints.
  • Avoid crossing your legs while sitting. If you cross your legs while sitting, it will put your hip into a more vulnerable position and you will not be able to perform any activity for at least first three months after surgery.

Keeping all these things in mind can surely help you with your new joint and you can lead a happier life ahead.


There are a few sorts of normal sports injuries endured by dynamic people and sports persons because of strenuous games and activities. Distinctive parts of the body are defenseless to harm when playing sports or taking part in high-vitality activities. Regardless of this reality, most sports injuries happen in the musculoskeletal system, and the most widely recognized of which are as under:

Sprains: Sprains happen when there are tears in the tendons joining the ends of the bones together. Normal body parts influenced by sprains are joints in the lower legs, knees, and wrists.

Strains: Strains can allude to either tear or pulls in the muscles or ligaments/tissues that assault your muscles to the bones.

Shin splints: Commonly found in runners, a shin splint can be perceived by a sharp distress along the front and outside area of the lower leg.

Achilles tendinitis: This alludes to the break of the Achilles ligament, which incorporates the extensive band of tissues that associate the calf muscles and the heel.

Separation of joints and cracks of the bones are equally sports injuries alongside groin pulling, and epicondylitis or tennis elbow.

This rundown can continue forever, but the most well-known of sports injuries are sprains and strains, which influence the tendons and muscle strands sadly. While the occurrence of wounds is frequently outside our ability to control, there are things you can do to counteract them and diminish their occurrence. For example, conditioning yourself and warming up when starting your work out is a basic way that can immensely help to avoid basic wounds. Warming up and stretching expands the blood stream to your muscles and helps you turn out to be more adaptable, which thus diminishes injuries.

Treatment for normal sports injuries to a great extent relies on upon their power and intensity. Ice is best connected to wounds quickly after they happen. The swelling and irritation take place after the damage is generally brought about by blood leakage from the burst vessels around the harm site. Frosty applications will make these veins choke, in this manner avoiding further blood and serum leakage. Ice and cool applications equally work to limit the swelling and the pain.

Ideal handling and treatment of wounds should be possible by putting the harmed body part to rest executing cool pack (applying an icy pack with light weight to the influenced body part), and lifting or raising the harmed body part so pulse and tissue swelling can be lessened as common liquids deplete from the territory with the assistance of gravity.




Knee Arthroscopy is a new surgical methodology that has transformed how different kinds of orthopedic surgeries are performed. Today this minimally intrusive surgical intervention, in which a joint (arthro-) is detected (-scopy) with the help of a small camera with light, is used by almost every well-experienced knee surgeons to diagnose and treat knee injuries.

Describing the Procedure

After inserting a small camera, less than a fourth of an inch in diameter, into the cut given in the knee, it is then attached to a monitor so that the surgeon can view the knee tissue. Many a times the patients are also allowed to observe the surgery from this monitor.

Knee Arthroscopy is considered to be a normal and quite simple surgical procedure in which only local or regional anesthesia is given to numb the operation site. Throughout the surgery, the patient remains articulate and alert. But if the surgery is extensive as it can be in some cases, the patient is given general anesthesia, rendering the patient to sleep without pain.

After searching the knee to assess the damage, the surgeon will make four additional cuts for the insertion of other instruments which include a blunt hook, a shaver, a burr and a heat probe.

Reasons for the Surgery

The basic reasons due to which an arthroscopy is undertaken include:

  • repair or elimination of a torn meniscus
  • minor arthritis
  • exclusion of loose fragments of bone or cartilage floating within the knee joint
  • repair of a damaged anterior cruciate or posterior cruciate ligament
  • inflammation or impairment of the joint lining
  • alignment of a knee cap


Arthroscopy can successfully diagnose the joint condition of patients and this enables the surgeon to determine right kind of treatment for knee problems like ACL rupture, knee-cap disorder and torn meniscus. Arthroscopy is generally preferred by the surgeons because its recovery time is much faster than that of conventional open knee surgery. After an arthroscopy knee surgery, patient feels better as the knee mobility is improved. After the surgery the patient can live a normal and active life with greater comfort and almost no pain.

Recovery time

If you have undergone a simple debridement (meniscal cleaning) procedure, then the recovery is quick. Your surgeon will also prescribe you painkillers at the initial stage to control the pain.

If you have undergone with a complicated surgery that involves repairing and reconstruction of knee will result slower recovery time and can take several months to a year.


Well that’s a question only and only your orthopaedic can answer, but actually bearing a knee pain is too troublesome as you can’t easily do all the daily tasks that you used to do. Knee replacement surgery is a must when aids like medication, therapy or canes are no longer any help. Other signs may include aching in leg joints, relative and acute pain, loss of mobility of the person or joints stiffening.

Your regular doctor will advise you to visit an orthopaedic and then he will decide whether you need a knee surgery or not. You may be barred from this surgery if you have any infection, less bones or an artificial bone.

Knee replacement surgery is a regular surgery that is achieved on more than 5,50,000 patients a year. Over 90% of the people have experienced improvement in their daily life after this surgery. The rest 10% either had not been properly operated or they may have had a serious problem that even the surgery couldn’t cast a serious benefit.


You surgeon will firstly advise you to have an X-Ray scan of the knee and will conduct some physical tests as well. You may be asked about previous pains or accidents that may have occurred earlier. Then your joints will be out to various activity-based tests like walking, bending etc. then if you really need a knee replacement surgery you will be prescribed by the doctor.

Here some of the signs have been stated that will help you to diagnose this acute problem. Some of them are as under:

  • The pain persists or recovers over the time
  • You knee joints aches after rigorous exercises
  • You are no longer able to walk freely
  • Medication and usage of cane aren’t helping anymore
  • In monsoon seasons you feel regular pains
  • You knee stiffens up when you sitting for a longer time.
  • You can’t sleep properly because of that pain
  • There is a swelling around the knees
  • You face difficulty in climbing the stairs.
  • You face lot of difficulties while walking out of a bathtub or from chairs.
  • You may possibly experience morning stiffness that lasts less than 3o minutes or so.
  • You may also experience a bad form of stiffness that is called rheumatoid arthritis that lasts for about 45 minutes of more.
  • You may also feel a grating at your knee joints
  • You may have had a previous injury to the ACL of your knee.


In spite of the fact that old age is inescapable, maturing nimbly, remaining fit and healthy is the thing that everyone as a whole anxious and is worried about. The worries about aging never end and we stress over the medical issues that everyone needs to manage. This dread turns out genuine when medical problems like osteoporosis create without our knowledge and manifestations.

Osteoporosis is a chaos of the bones where the thickness of our bones lessens making it very permeable diminishing their quality and making them delicate. Once delicate the bones are profoundly helpless harms like pressure, breaking or cracks. The most influenced parts of the skeletal system because of osteoporosis are hips, spine, rib and wrists.

Manifestations of Osteoporosis:

Osteoporosis is a chaos which you can be clueless about, with its presence for quite a long time until the bone breaks.

Break of the spine or repetitive cracks of the spine causes unrelieved back torment and may prompt to loss of tallness or bending of the spine. Repeating of fractures is normal in individuals who have had a crack because of osteoporosis. It is normally found in ladies after menopause as the estrogen hormones expected to keep up their bone quality decreases with the onset of menopause.

Determination of osteoporosis brings in for prompt therapeutic mediation. Dr. Dhananjay Gupta’s Clinic at Delhi is one such health care facility which spends significant time in treating osteoporosis. With ability around there, the spine fracture fall down is affirmed through X-rays and MRI scans.

In cases, where the fractured piece has drawn closer to the spinal cord squeezing it and which may bring about a loss of motion in near future, are considered as a crisis. With the absolute most capable neurologists on board, the leading joints and bone consultants under the supervision of Dr. Dhananjay Gupta is for regularly confronting and winning such difficulties consistently achieving mind blowing and promising outcomes.

The first class facilities at the joints and bone consultants clinic with innovatively latest types of gear and specialists with a praiseworthy information and experience, commitment and fitness is a perfect place to go looking for answers for your neurological issues. As per the specialists, osteoporosis can be counteracted or treated with a few changes to the way of life. Stop smoking, liquor and devouring a balanced eating schedule with satisfactory calcium and vitamin D could help anticipate osteoporosis. The patients are normally treated with a pharmaceutical to stop bone misfortune and increment the bone development.




Pain in any part of your body can be devastating especially when it hampers your daily movements. People suffering from arthritis may develop problems in their shoulders that may cause them severe pain & discomfort. It makes their shoulders stiff and tender, due to which they are unable to perform daily activities with ease. At times, it even restricts their mobility making them helpless to the core. These days a huge population is suffering from this problem and they seek ways to get relief. Shoulder Replacement Surgery is a permanent solution to all your problems as this surgery enables you to eliminate your pain and helps you in living a better quality life.

Folks facing such troubles when go to orthopaedic surgeon for treatment, the doctor will first diagnose the root cause of your problem and then formulate a treatment plan. He will suggest non-surgical means to help you get rid of your problem like medications, exercise, physiotherapy etc. But when nothing seems to work then Shoulder Replacement Surgery is the last resort on which your doctor will depend on. Surgery is mainly done on those patients who have severe pain in their shoulders and they are not able to move their shoulder at all.

In Shoulder Replacement Surgery, the orthopaedic surgeon will first give you anaesthesia so that you don’t feel any pain. Then he will make a small cut in the front of your shoulder to get to the damaged bone. He will replace the diseased part of your shoulder with artificial parts known as prosthesis that are made of either metal, plastic or ceramic and cement the joints together so that new bone can grow with the passage of time. Shoulder Replacement surgery takes about 2-4 hours to complete depending on the severity of your disease and general health conditions. It may take 4-6 weeks before the patient can get back to his normal life.

Nowadays, much advancement has been made in the medical field and due to this; new & modern techniques are used by the orthopaedic surgeons to perform this surgical process. Generally, minimally invasive technique is used to perform the surgery that causes less pain, less blood loss, faster recovery and shorter stay at the hospital. It even causes fewer traumas to the patients as pain is less when compared to traditional open surgery. It is highly important that you choose the best orthopaedic surgeon for shoulder replacement surgery so that you can get best possible outcomes. Do proper research before finalising your doctor and achieve improved quality of life.


Arthritis is a problem that occurs because of swelling in joints due to breakage of cartilage in the joints. Joint is a point where two or more bones are connected. Cartilage is like a cushion which protects bones from rubbing otherwise they can break, cause pain and swelling. Cartilage is present in between two bones for protection. There are many types of arthritis:


  • Osteoarthritis is one of them, it can occur in persons of all age but generally it occurs after age of 65. It is caused due to any injury happening to joints. This generally occurs in hips, hands and knees. In this, pain and swelling starts in joints and also difficult to move.

Age, obesity, joint injury, weak muscles and genes are common risk factors in OA.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis is that disease in body’s immune system which protects your body from infection attack. It causes pain in joints, breaks cartilage, damage to bones and also can cause damage to other body parts like heart, eye, and nerves. It generally occurs in joints of hands, elbows, keens and ankles.

Doctors will go through symptoms, examine joints, will examine other body parts. Following are some symptoms:

  • Joint stiffness in morning
  • Swelling
  • redness around skin of joints
  • weight loss
  • fatigue
  • fever

Treatment in this depends upon type of arthritis, which joint is painful, amount of pain, age, your work also. Proper diagnosis is must to get successful treatment. Following are some treatments:

  • home remedies
  • cold pack
  • paraffin wax dips
  • Medications
  • surgical operations

This disease can cause damage to other body parts also. Doctor can also suggest you some x ray to find out the actual damage, he will suggest you some medicine for pain, weight loss. There is no specific diet plan for arthritis, but doctors suggest omega-3 fatty acids supplements. Conditions can be worse if you take foods that are high in proteins, especially red meats and shellfish. High proteins foods like sea food, organ meats and alcoholic beverages should be avoided. Rheumatologists are special type of doctors who are specialized in nonsurgical treatments of arthritis. They have some special skills for treating arthritis.


There are some exercises also for arthritis patients to reduce pain like low impact aerobics, strength trainings, stretching. You should take rest for 2 to 3 days. If u walk in water, u will feel good. You should talk to doctor for better and particular exercise for you. Without consulting doctor, you should not do any exercise in case of arthritis.


A 22-year-old man who was crippled in an accident 11 years ago started walking again after a series of surgeries at a city hospital.

Gaurav Sharma met with an accident in January 2005, while going to attend a family function in Uttar Pradesh. Sharma, then 11 years old, was physically and mentally traumatised as he saw his uncle and cousin die in front of him. Later, he lost his mother, too, while he was in the intensive care unit.

He went through eight corrective surgeries in the initial years that left him with a crutch, a fused hip and short left leg.

Dr Dhananjay Gupta, director of orthopaedics, spine, joint reconstruction and replacement surgeon, Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, suggested a series of surgeries in an effort to make him fully movable.

On May 5, Sharma underwent his first surgery, and his final surgery was on September 9. He is now undergoing physiotherapy to increase muscle strength.

Dr Gupta said, “There were a few key challenges. There was already a nail in his thigh bone preventing the placement of a hip prosthesis. In the first stage, the plan was to take out the nail from the thigh bone and then open the hip joint.”

“Implant removal is always more challenging. Gaurav’s case was also complicated as he already had multiple surgeries.”

The post-op procedure went as planned and he was allowed full weight bearing from day one. All the blood investigations and scans are normal, six months after the surgery. After a few glitches, he is finally able to walk, though with a slight limp, doctors said.


Below is Screen Shots of Some News Articles:

Amar Ujala_man walks after 11 years_New Delhi_Pg 6_21 Jan Amar Ujala_man walks after 11 years_Noida_Pg 10_21 Jan




Asian Age_22 year old walks after 11 years_New Delhi_Pg 14_21 Jan Hindustan Times_22 year old crippled walks after 11 years_New Delhi_Pg 5_21 Jan


Hindustan_21 year old walks after 11 years, post a crippling accident in childhood_New Delhi_Pg 4_21 Jan Nai Duniya_22 year old walks afetr 11 years post a crippling accident in childhood_New Delhi_Pg 11_21 Jan



Navodaya Times_22 year old walks after 11 years_New Delhi_Pg 14_22 Jan The Hindu_Youth crippled 22 years ago walks again_New Delhi_Pg 5_22 Jan


The Free Press Journal_Crippled is mishap youth walks after 11 years_Mumbai_Pg 7_21 Jan

The Times of India_Fortis Helps man walk after 11 years_Hyderabad_Pg 11_21 Jan

Dr Dhananjay Gupta

Dr Dhananjay Gupta
Director and Senior Consultant,
Orthopaedics and Joint Reconstruction and Replacement Surgeon
Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital, Vasant Kunj, Delhi.